DVC Rental Cost Calculator:

The DVC rental calculator looks up approximate availability based on current room trends. Although the calculator does not confirm availability, it will show you the most common sold out dates on our system.

dvc reservation request

animal kingdom disney vacation club

Affordability (10/10)
Availability (8/10)
Room Sizes (9/10)
Pools (6/10)

Calendar Tutorial

Is a rental request a final commitment?

No. This is a zero risk process. You are not locked until you pay your final invoice.

What if a resort says sellout?

Disney Vacation Club room allocations are limited. In the results, click on a resort name to get a more detailed view and see our best times to book page for helpful tips.

Does the calculator confirm availability?

No. It shows likely sellouts and availability. To confirm availability, click on reserve now, and our staff will start the matching process.

How to see different room sizes:

DVC offers several room sizes and prices. In the upper part of the calendar, select studio/one bed villa/etc to view the different types.

How much will I save?

DVC renters can save upwards of 60%. To compare, goto the WDW site and lookup your dates.

Do we ever offer sales?

Yes! Sign up here to add yourself to our flash sale notification system.
Recent Testimonials
we love making your trip special!
After doing a lot of research we booked a few months ago (after being let down by another company), I love how you can search for dates and look for options online versus going through a call center. The online chat was so helpful and quick!

Very happy with the service and savings we made for our Disney trip! Thank you for your service and answering all our questions!

Anna T

DVC availability calculator

Included Rental Perks
dvc renters get some great treats!
Free resort/hotel parking?
Free themepark parking?
Able to reserve dining?
Free room wifi?
Extended park hours*
Meal plan access*
Free waterpark admission**
*subject to current disney
rules and availability

**2025 reservations only (details)

© 2017-2025 DVCreservations.com. Disney, Walt Disney World, Disney Resort Names, and the Disney logo(s) are 100% copyright the Walt Disney Company. This web site is not affiliated in any way with the Walt Disney Company nor any of it's affiliates or subsidiaries. DVCreservations.com is a DVC rental service to allow for DVC members to rent their properties easily and safely. Disney Vacation Club, Disney logos and any resort names are presented for information purposes only. For official information on Walt Disney World, Disney Vacation Club purchases as well as official hotel booking information please visit disney.com directly.

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